Introduction To Problem Solving and Programming (23 Video Lectures)

Course Topics include:

·   Introduction to Computers
·   Algorithms and Programming
·   Data Types
·   Strings
·   Input and Output
·   Flow Control
·   Arrays
·   Data Structures
·   Dynamic Data Structures
·   Recursion
·   Various Mathematics Problems and their solutions.

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Mathematical Analysis (32 Video Lectures)

Course topics:
Lecture 1. Real Number.
Lecture 2. Sequences I
Lecture 3. Sequences II
Lecture 4. Sequences III
Lecture 5. Continuous Function
Lecture 6. Properties of continuous functions
Lecture 7. Uniform Continuity
Lecture 8. Differentiable function
Lecture 9. Mean Value Theorems
Lecture 10. Maxima – Minima
Lecture 11. Taylor's Theorem
Lecture 12. Curve Sketching
Lecture 13. Infinite Series I
Lecture 14. Infinite Series II
Lecture 15. Tests of Convergence
Lecture 16. Power Series
Lecture 17. Riemann integral
Lecture 18. Riemann Integrable functions
Lecture 19. Applications of Riemann Integral
Lecture 20. Length of a curve
Lecture 21. Line integrals
Lecture 22. Functions of several variables
Lecture 23. Differentiation
Lecture 24. Derivatives
Lecture 25. Mean Value Theorem
Lecture 26. - Maxima Minima
Lecture 27. Method of Lagrange Multipliers
Lecture 28. Multiple Integrals
Lecture 29. Surface Integrals
Lecture 30. Green's Theorem
Lecture 31. Stokes Theorem
Lecture 32. Guass Divergence Theorem.

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·         Math Analysis Video Lectures

Discrete Mathematics for Programmers (40 Video Lectures)

Course topics:
Lecture 1, 2. Propositional Logic
Lecture 3, 4. Predicates & Quantifiers
Lecture 5. Logical Inference
Lecture 6. Resolution Principles & Application to PROLOG
Lecture 7. Methods of Proof
Lecture 8. Normal Forms
Lecture 9. Proving programs correct
Lecture 10. Sets
Lecture 11. Mathematical Induction
Lecture 12. Set Operations on Strings Over an Alphabet
Lecture 13. Relations
Lecture 14, 15. Graphs
Lecture 16. Trees
Lecture 17. Trees and Graphs
Lecture 18. Special Properties of Relations
Lecture 19, 20. Closure of Relations
Lecture 21. Order Relations
Lecture 22. Order and Relations and Equivalence Relations
Lecture 23. Equivalence relations and partitions
Lecture 24-26. Functions
Lecture 27-29. Permutations and Combinations
Lecture 30-31. Generating Functions
Lecture 32-34. Recurrence Relations
Lecture 35-37. Algebras
Lecture 38-39. Finite State Automaton (FSA)
Lecture 40. Lattices.

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Computer Graphics (43 Video Lectures)

Course topics:

Lecture 1. Introduction to computer graphics
Lecture 2-5. CRT Display Devices
Lecture 6. Transformations
Lecture 7. Transformations in 2D
Lecture 9, 10. Three Dimensional Graphics
Lecture 11. Project Transformations and Viewing Pipeline
Lecture 12. 3D Viewing
Lecture 13-17. Scan Converting Lines, Circles and Ellipses
Lecture 18, 19. PolyFill Scan Conversion of a Polygon
Lecture 20-22. Clipping: Lines And Polygons
Lecture 23-25. Solid Modeling
Lecture 26-32. Visible Surface Detection
Lecture 33-35. Illumination and Shading
Lecture 36, 37. Curve Representation
Lecture 38. Curves and Surface Representation
Lecture 39. Graphics Programming
Lecture 40. Graphics Programming Using OpenGL
Lecture 41. Advanced Topics
Lecture 42, 43. Digital Image Processing.

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Introduction to Computer Graphics (35 lectures)

Course topics:

Lecture1. Introduction  
Lecture 2, 3. Raster Graphics
Lecture 4. Clipping
Lecture 5. Polygon Clipping and Polygon Scan Conversion
Lecture 6, 7. Transformations
Lecture 8, 9. 3D Viewing
Lecture 10-15. Curves
Lecture 16-19. Surfaces
Lecture 20. Hierarchical Models
Lecture 21-23. Rendering
Lecture 24-27. Ray Tracing
Lecture 28, 29. Hidden Surface Elimination
Lecture 30-32. Fractals
Lecture 33-35. Computer Animation

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